Tutor: Kirsty Odds
Classes will be held on Thursdays from 11am-1:30pm and it will run over an 8 week block.
** Please note the late start of this class which is now Thursday 20th January
Weaving is on the first floor of the Mill building
In weaving the setting up, or dressing of a loom, is a very time consuming part of the process. Over the course of this term of classes we will learn how to weave many patterns from the same loom set-up providing an insight into the versatility of weaving using a straight draw draft.
This class is aimed at students with some weaving experience and will hopefully provide a refresher of some patterns such as plain weave, twills and basket weaves but also explore how we can gain patterns such as waffle weave, canvas weave, summer and winter, sateen and crepe weaves on an 8-shaft loom without having to rethread our loom. Very useful when we want to experiment with samples for new projects or for projects such as scarves where we might want to weave multiple patterns along the piece.
By the end of the term all students should have a labelled sample or set of samples with associated notes which will act as a very useful record and resource of weaving patterns to refer to and which they can explore further in future weaving projects.
There are a few 8-shaft and 4-shaft looms which will be warped for the start of classes, and students will have the opportunity to play on different warps. If you have your own table loom that you would like to use please let me know. I can give you details of how to warp the loom ready for classes starting on the 13th January.
Please don’t hesitate to contact class tutor Kirsty Odds should you have any queries.
To join this class please click HERE which will take you to enrolments on the main PACC website
Booking for Term 2 opens at 10 am on Saturday 4th December