Basket Making Improvers / Intermediate

Tutor: Sandra Scholes
Tuesdays from 12:30 – 6:00pm
on the following dates: 4,11 February, 4,11 March

Classes will run from the third floor of the Poldrate Granary Building.

The 4 topics this term are suitable for students who have made one or more willow baskets. Those students with more basket-making experience may choose to make more complex variations.

– Zarzo trug (flower) baskets – those with Zarzo experience can opt to make more complex baskets with up and over handles, increasing the numbers of spokes, and unusual ways of finishing the weaving. This will be the first topic of the term and students will then have the option of making a range of Zarzo baskets, trivets and trugs.
– Asymmetrical border tool basket
– Star base tray / garden sieve
– Trivet / cooling racks fitched onto hoops, scalloming is an option for more experienced students

A note of materials used will be kept towards the end of each class and students will be charged for this at the end of the term, with an approximate cost of £10 – £20 depending on projects undertaken.

Basic basketry tools are available to use in the classroom, although students are encouraged to bring their own secateurs and/or other basketry tools, if they wish.

Sandra is a willow basket maker based in the Lothians. She has a particular interest in using traditional techniques including frame basketry, to design functional and decorative willow baskets and other structures for gardeners. 

She is a member of the Basketmakers Association, the Scottish Basketmakers Circle and the Northumbrian Basketry Group.


To join this class please click HERE which will take you to enrolments on the main PACC website